Hi, friends I think today you are happy because you are gaining knowledge about an interesting topic it is causes of population explosion. Read it and enjoy.


 The causes of population are as follows:

1. Accelerating Birthrate/High Fertility rate:

The Fertility rate of a country refers to the number of children a woman gives birth to during her child bearing age. High Fertility rates leads to a rapid increase in the population of a country. High Fertility rates are prevalent in countries which under developed and where literacy rates, especially among women, are low. It is not a coincidence that 9 out of the 10top countries with the highest fertility rates are in Africa, a continent in which the inhabitants of several regions routinely face abject poverty, starvation, famine, drought and disease, besides internal strife. Niger, a country in Africa, has the world's highest fertility rate. On an average, women in Niger give birth to 7 children each. In india the fertility rate 2.2. Bihar, one of the most backward states, has the Highest fertility rate of3.34 Telangana has a fertility rate of 1.78.

2. Decrease in infant  Motility Rate:

Infant and morality  refers to the number of deaths of infants under 1year old per 100 live births. An improvement in medical science and technology, better maternal care facilities and wide usage of preventive drugs (vaccines) has reduced infant morality rates in many countries, including India. IMR in india (as in2016) is 34.

3. Increases in life expectancy:

Due to improved living condition, better hygiene and sanitation habits, better nutrition, health and education, the average life expectancy of human population has improved significantly steady supply of good quality food makes sure that the population is well nourshied. Japan, Switzerland and Singapore have the highest life expectancies in the world, with an average life expectancy of about 83 years. The life expectancy in india is about 68 years (as in 2015).

4. Increased immigration:

An increase in immigration often contributes towards population explosion, particularly in developed countries. It happens when a large number arrive at an already populated place with the intention to reside permanently.

5.Less space than required:

In urban cities, it is often found that there is very less scope for making available extra space to absorb the additional population. In such cases, a large population is seen packed into a smaller space.
The details of The Indian population density and age distribution .

This is about causes of population explosion. I will continue this in next blog it is about Consequences of  population explosion. And also about measures to control population. Enjoy this blog by reding don't worry I will continue this topic in next blog. In that I will compete this total topic.

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