Diseases may be classified as communicable or non-communicable. Communicale diseases are those that spread from person to person through pathogens I.e. disease causing organisms such as virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoa.  Common communicable diseases in India caused by virus include chickenpox, measles, flu, chikungunya, denguefever,viral hepatitis and pneumonia. Typhoid, leprosy and cholera are examples of diseases caused by bacteria . Ringworm and athlete's foot are spread by fungi while malaria is caused by protozoa. Non-communicable diseases(NCDs) are not caused by pathogens and do not spread from person to person. Asthma, chronic kidney disease and stroke are some non communicable diseases that are caused by the improper functioning of some organ or system in the body. some of these conditions or deautism and congenital heart disease. some NCDs are related to ageing, such as osteoporosis (thinning of bones) and Parkinson's disease while others are life-style diseases which are triggered at least in party by faulty eating and living patterns, such as cancer, diabetes and arteriosclerosis(thickening of arteries) and are preventable to some extent. 

How communicable diseases spread? 

The most common  ways communicable diseases spread from person to person are:

Transmission of germs through air: 

sneezing and coughing cause germs to be expelled from the nose and this germs may be inhaled by people around. Influenza, diphtheria and whooping cough spread in this way. Anthrax is an example of a disease  in which the microorganisms remains in the air for long time and enters the body of a person who breathes the contaminated Air. The bacteria forms dormant spores which may remain suspended in the environment for decades and even centuries. 

Contaminated food and water: 

Diseases like cholera,dysentery,typhoid, and ineffective hepatitis spread through the Contamination of food and water. Food that is undercooked or spoilt is a fertile breeding  ground for germs. sometimes sewage water gets mixed with drinking water. 

Direct or indirect contact with the infected person:

Diseases like T. B. spread among close members of the family who have prolonged contact with the infected person.  sharing of utensils and bedclothes and increase chances of spread of the disease. Diseases like HIV spread through sexual contact with an infected person as well as through sharing of syringes and transfusion of blood from an infected person. 

Bites from insects and animals :

malaria, dengue and chikungunya are spread by the bite of mosquitoes which harbour the parasites. plague is a diseases spread by rats. The plague epidemic in Surat in 1994 lasted nearly two months and over 700 cases were reported. More than 3lakhs panic stricken inhabitants left the city in just two days.  Rabies is caused by the bite of an infected animals such as a dog or a monkey. 

communicable diseases :

Many communicable diseases can be prevented to a large extent by following simple precautions based on common sense.  Some of them are:

• wash hand frequently : This single step can give substantial protection against infectious diseases.  studies have shown that during epidemics of swine flu the single most effective precautions one could take was to wash One's hands frequently. 

•Food should be prepared and served in a hygienic manner. 

•Vegetables and fruits should be washed through before being cut. Frozen food, especially meat, should be thawed properly and stale, decaying food should be discarded. 

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