Today here by we are going to know  about  Teaching of Sikhism. it mean About sikhism. In this  Sikhism mainly you will see about  guru Nanak. Sikhism, a monotheistic religion, asserts that the cosmos was created by the will of God. God is shapeless,timeless, and cannot be seen. He is omnipresent and omnipotent but can be reached only by those who are spiritually enlighted. There is no concept of Heaven or Hell in Sikhism. salvation or jeevanmukthi lies in union with the Akka or Timeless One. Maya or illusion distracts one from the goal and prevents one from achieving this union, but can be dispelled by the grace or mehar of god. Meditation or simran, along with the chanting of god's name or apu, helps one in spiritual progress. Good company or sastang is greatly beneficial for spiritually and helps one to break free from the cycle of rebirth. 


Gurunanak asserted that while realization of Truth is important, more important is Truthful living. Spiritually and secular life are intertwined in Sikhism and asceinticism is discouraged. A life of purity, self-control and truthfulness of deemed superior to a purely contemplative life.  Guru Hargobind, the sixth guru, stated succinctly that the temporal or more and the spiritual or piri realms should co-exist. The same idea was echoed the ninth guru, Yeah Bahadur, who said that Sikhs should  develop both shakthi(power) as well as bhakthi (devotion). Sikhism ordains that one should fight oppression, injustice and the violation of Sharks.  Thus ,we have the concept of the sant-sipahi (saint-soilders). All Sikhs are enjoyed to carry Kirpans or swords in their personal times.

      Gurunanak emphasized the concept of service. seva or service is as important as simran He established the system of the langar or community kitchen which symbolizes the spirit of sharing and equality. Even today the langar is an integral part of the gurudwara, the place of worship of Sikhs. people of all faiths are welcome. Sikhs are expected to serve humanity with their tan, man, and dhan I.e body, mind and wealth. Sikhism declares that all men are created equal and shuns discrimination based on caste, creed or gender.  Women are accorded equal rights as men. Sikhism is a liberal religion and asserts that all religions can enlighten their followers. 

                Sikhism cautions followers about the dangers of Five Inner Thieves or weaknesses which should be quelled. The are kama(lust), lobh(greed), moh(infatuation) and ahankar(ego). These vices can be suspended by chanting the name of god,  engaging in community service and following the five virtues of Truth, compassion, love, contentment  and Humanity. Sikhism prohibits followers from indulging in certain practices such as cutting one's hair (men too must grow their hair), consuming alcohol and drugs, following  superstitions and meaningless rituals, and being obessed with wealth. Practices  like sati and animal sacrifice are forbidden. Sikhs are encouraged to live as saint-soilders and not as monks or ascetics. They should lead a life free from blemish by following the highest standards of morality. 

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