Hi friends our intresting topic is consequences of population explosion. Enjoy by reading. 

1. Over Exploitation of Natural Resources 

Due to high growth in population, the requirement of the people have increased at a tremendous rate. Consequently the available natural resources are getting depleted. The Earth has limited natural resources like water, land, floora and fauna, minerals and fossil fuels. Over-exploitation has created a serve depletion of resources. Humans today extract and use around 50% more natural resources than they did just 30 years ago. It is estimated that within 40 years, the reserves of petroleum will vanish completely. Water scarcity is rampant it is common for states to be engaged in bitter disputes about their rightful shares of water.

2. Industrialization and urbanization

Urbanization is the result of growth of population in urban areas. As a country develops from primarily an agricultural to an industrial economy, large-scale emigration of rural residents to towns and cities takes place. During the process, the growth rate of urban areas is typically double the pace of overall population increase. Urbanization is taking place at a fast rate in India. The population residing in urban areas in india, according to the 1901 census, was  11.4%. This count increased to 28.53% according to the 2001 census, and in 2018 it stands at 33.2%. 
 Urbanization eventually leads to a serve decline in the number of people living in the country side. With negative population growth rates in rural areas. Urban areas face acute shortage of land and water and other environmental problems. Vast areas are converted into slums.

3. Shrinking Agriculture land

Agriculture lands are being converted into residential settlement and industrial zones. The per capita  available of land for cultivation declined by nearly 50% from 1.1 acres in 1911 to 0.6 acres in 1971 in india. Since then it has shrunk much further. The small size of holdings hinders adoption of modern technology in farming.

4. Global warming

Population explosion is linked with global warming. The increase in population leads to greater consumption of resources. The amount of carbondioxide and other green house gases that is produced increases. This  causes a rise in global temperatures. The global average surface temperature has increased during the 20th century by about 0.6°c. If it rises further the consequences will be disastrous.

5 Environmental pollution

The tremendous growth in population has led to the degradation of the environment. Air, water and soil have got contaminated with various pollutants.

6. Population growth weakness social infrastructure

In welfare states like India the government pledges to meet the social needs of the people by providing basic facilities like free or subsided education, housing and medical aid. But the vast increase in population castes a heavy burden on the government and derails many plans.

Measures to control population

a) The government should regularly conduct programmes to educate the public about the ills of over population.
b)social organisation and NGOs should actively inform people about the available methods of family planning.
C) people should be persuaded, but not coerced, to undergo sterilization after having two children.
d) The ban on child marriages should be enforced strictly.
e) maternal and child care facilities should be improved.
As I promised have completed that topic in this blog.

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