Hi, guys today we are going to an interesting topic. Our intresting topic title is " The Periodic Table!".

 This app is usually made for students. In this app you can learn total elements which are in Periodic table. This app is mainly for chemistry students. This app is made by company. This app is in the form of Quiz. It asks some questions and there will be time limit for it. From this app you can gain so much knowledge in Periodic table. So, this Periodic table is discovered by a great scientist his name mendeleev and his full name is Dmitri mendeleev. 
In this app you can know atomic number, atomic weight,symbol,group or period of any element which are in Periodic table. 
It is a best app with nice graphics.
Don't worry friends I will provide link .
If you want to buy pro version its your wish you can install I will provide link at last.

  So, friends this application is also available in playstore or any app store. You can install from there.              

 If you want to know more about this . Here you will be seen two options those are
• i- info
• setting 

Info :

In this info you can what is the concept of periodic table game. And also you can know the game version and about the game.


In this setting you can select your favourite language and also if there is a problem in game you can mail to game developers and you can check updates you can update it .
About project you can also see in info also.
Then start game. To start game you should press finger for one second. Then you can select what ever you want. It mean on which you want to play quiz you select it like example if you want to play on symbol then press on symbol option , if you want to play on atomic number then select atomic number option , if you want to play on group or period you can select it. What ever you want you can it's up to you.
As example I select name of element quiz.

Question is given upward and and they will give some options  as seen above. This love symbol says us lifetimes in game. And this Tantalum is an element so, he is asking symbol as question.  

  Not only symbol you can select any quiz as shown below  

And also you can play quiz quiz on properties of elements like oxidation states,valency electrons, electron negativity, Radio activity and etc...  By playing this you will be perfect in total periodic table. Like atomic number and oxidation states etc .... So, friends as I promised you  I will said you about pro version  And friends this pro version Is very advanced. How means in that you can see latin names, and spectrum lines etc.. And friends pro version cost is just 170rs /- only buy it friends. 

              Don't worry Friends in pro version also there are so many new features you can see it . Lastly, enjoy this app if you have any doubt you message me in comment box.

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