Guys,  Today you are going to know about an interesting topic which is related to us. the  topic is the use of Internet by teenagers.  Teenage mean from (13 to19) . The word thirteen  ends with word teen. so it is know as Teenage. 

•The Internet is a fantastic tool of modren technology  but adolescents should  follow  certain  guidelines  in their own interest and safety,particulary while navigating  social networking sites. 

 •Teenagers should  spend only a limited  amount of time on their computer. A computer cannot  be a substitute for a friend or family member.

 •Teenagers  should spend  time outdoors in games and social interaction with friends and family.  They should not remain cooped up in their home with laptops during holidays. 

 •Teenagers should use the internet  mostly for information and partly or recreation. They should make ethical use of the information on the web. 

 •Teenagers should  have a Frank discussion  with their parents About various aspects of Internet usage,  such as amount  of time spent daily in the net,  timings and purpose. 

•Teenagers should agree to parental supervision and frequent checks of what they have been surfing or doing on the net. 

•Teenagers should promise not to visit sities that are not suitable for them.  They should  avoid  sites that are indecent and which contain 'adult content '.

•passwords should NEVER be revealed to anyone, except  to parents.  They should not be shared even with friends. 

•personal details  such as name,  address, school or college, telephone  number etc should NEVER be disclosed to strangers on networking sites.

•photos should NEVER be shared with strangers. 

•Teenagers should avoid meeting online  acquaintances except with parental approval. It parental approval is obtained,  they should fix the meeting  at a public place and also ensure that a parent is present. 

•Teenagers should immediately inform parents if anything  inappropriate or odd takes place while interacting with others in social networks.

•Emails from unknown persons should not be opened as they may contain spam(irrelevant and unsolicited messages, often for the purpose of advertising) or malware. The malware may disable the computer totally or steal sensitive personal data. Anti-virus software should be installed. Files should be installed  only from safe sites. 

•credit cards of parents should not be used without prior permission to buy goods online. Goods should be bought only from reliable sites. 

•Teenagers should observe 'netiquette ' I.e net etiquette.  They should be polite and should  avoid posting mean or nasty comments.  They should never threaten or intimidate anyone on the Internet.  such behavior, termed cyber-bullying,is offensive and may even be deemed a criminal act.  There are several instances of children who have been driven to suicide because of their inability to deal with cyberbullying. 

•Laptops should be used carefully when their life is over they should be handled over at a place for recycling e-waste. 

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