A number  pollution control technologies have been developed. Pollution is regulated by various environmental agencies that establish limits for the discharge of pollutants. As the cost of pollution control may be prohibitive, attention was drawn towards resuse and recovery of value added products in the design of industrial processes with eliminating harmfulenvironmental effects while promoting the competitiveness of industries.


The sources of air pollution include theburning of wood,charcoal and others biomass fuel, industries and vehicles. Air pollution control methodologies includes control of particulate emissions and the control of gaseous emissions.The term 'particulate' refers to tiny particles of matter such as smoke ,soot,and dust that are released during industrial, agricultural, or other activities. Gaseous emissions include sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen.


Domestic sewage, industrial effluents and agricultural fields are the main sources of water pollution.Large-scale water and wastewater treatment is typically carried out by municipalites and industries.

Sewage waste water contains carbohydrates,fats,proteins,metals,salts, pathogens and sediments. The characteristics of industrial waste water vary greatly in compostion from industry to industry and may be highly acdic or alkaline and may also contain soluble toxic organics,suspended solids,trace organics, heavy metals, cynaide, sulphides, oil and floating material.


Accumulation of municipal solid wastes in urban is posing environmental hazards. The disposal,while maximizing resources recovery and efficency. The preferred waste management strategies include source reduction and reuse, recycling, waste of composting, waste to energy and finally waste disposal in landfill. 


Biomedical waste is also generated by the diagnosis treatment and  of human beings or animals or in research activities. And it also be generated by clinics hospitals and pathological labs. It requires treatment to reduce adverse effect due to the infectious nature of the waste. If there is no treatment it may spread infectious diseases like tuberculosis, hepatitis enteric fever HIV infection or even AIDS. 

A common biomedical waste treatment facility is used by several hospitals as individual treatment facility for small hospital is not cost effective.

Segregation of biomedical waste is necessary as different types of treatment are required for different category of wastes. The relevant treatment methods are Incineration Autoclaving shreeding etc..


Discarded electical and electronic goods are considered as e-waste. Most electronic goods contain hazardous constitutents. For example cathode Ray tube of computer monitors contain heavy metals such as lead barium and cadmium which can be very toxic to human health if they enter the water system. Flame-retardantplastics, used in electronics casing release particles that can damage human endocrine functions.

Discarded electronic items are dismantled by hand and batteries are separated. The items are shredded into pieces to prepare the e-waste for sorting. Steel and iron are removed from the derbis through magnets. Aluminum and copper and brass which are separated from the non-metallic content and The metals can then be reused and resold as raw materials. water is also used to separate plastic from the glass content. The sorted materials can be reused. 


Radioactive wastes are generated. from nuclear reactors , nuclear medicine and manufacture of nuclear weapons.  The Disposal of radioactive wastes requires pre-treatment and storage in sheilded containers. The containers are buried about 500m deep below the earth's surface.


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